幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(美)艾賽科威
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787510070235
  • 出版日期:2014/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:344
人民幣:RMB 59 元      售價:



Prefaee to the Second Edition
Chapter l Inverse Problems
    1.1 The inverse problem of gravimetry
    1.2 The lnverse conductivity problem
    1.3 Inverse scattering
    1.4 Tomography and the inverse seismic problem
    1.5 Inverse spectral problems
Chapter 2 Ill-Posed Problems and Regularization
    2.1 Well.and ill—posed problems
    2.2 Conditional correctness:Regularization
    2.3 Construetion of regularizers
    2.4 Convergence of regularization algorithms
    2.5 herative algorithms
Chapter 3 Uniqueness and Stability in the Cauchy Problem
    3.1 The backward parabolic equation
    3.2 General Carleman estimates and the Cauchy problem
    3.3 Elliptic and parabolic equations
    3.4 Hyperbolic and Schr6dinger equations
    3.5 Systems of partial differential equations
    3.6 Open problems
Chapter 4 Elliptic Equations:Single Boundary Measurements
    4.0 Results on elliptic boundary value problems
    4.1 Inverse gravimetry
    4.2 Reconstruction of lowcr-order terms
    4.3 The jBVeFSC conductivity problem
    4.4 Methods of the theory of one complex variable
    4.5 Linearization of the coe佑cients problem
    4.6 Some problems ofdetection ofdefects
    4.7 Open problems
Chapter 5 Elliptic Equations:Many Boundary Measurements
    5.O The Dirichlet.to—Neumann map
    5.1 Boundary reconstruction
    5.2 Reconstruction in Q
    5.3 Completeness of products of solutions of PDE
    5.4 Recovery of several coeffcients
    5.5 The plane case
    5.6 Nonlinear equations
    5.7 Discontinuous conductivities
    5.8 Maxwell』s and elasticity systems
    5.9 Open problems
Chapter 6 Scattering Problems
    6.0 Direct Scattering
    6 l From A to nearfield
    6 2 Scattering by a medium
    6.3 Scattering by obstacles
    6.4 Open problems
Chapter 7 Integral Geometry and Tomography
    7.1 The Radon transfofin and its inverse
    7.2 The energy integral methods

    7 3 Boman』s counterexample
    7.4 The transport equation
    7.5 Open problems
Chapter 8 Hyperbolic Problems
    8.0 Introduction
    8.1 The one.dimensional case
    8.2 Single boundary measurements
    8.3 Many measurements:use of beam solutions
    8.4 Many measurements:methods of boundary control
    8.5 Recovery ofdiscontinuity ofthe speed ofpropagation
    8.6 Open problems
Chapter 9 Inverse parabolic problems
    9.0 Introduction
    9.1 Final orerdetermination
    9.2 Lateral orerdetermination:single measurements
    9.3 ne inverse problem of option pricing
    9.4 Lateral overdetermination:many measurements
    9.5 Discontinuous principal coeMcient and recovery of a domain
    9.6 Nonlinear equations    
    9.7 Interior sources
    9.8 Open problems
Chapter 10 Some Numerical Methods
    10.1 Linearization
    10.2 Variational regularization of the Cauchy problem
    1O.3 Relaxation methods
    10.4 Layer-stripping
    10.5 Range test algorithms
    10.6 Discrete methods

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