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  • 作者:蔡志忠|譯者:(美)布萊恩·布雅
  • 出版社:現代
  • ISBN:9787514316650
  • 出版日期:2013/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:191
人民幣:RMB 23 元      售價:


    蔡志忠,1948年2月2日,出生於台灣彰化。     1963年起開始畫連環漫畫。     1971年任光啟社電視美術指導。     1976年成立遠東卡通公司。     1981年另創龍卡通公司,拍攝了《七彩卡通老夫子》《烏龍院》等卡通電影,《老夫子》曾獲金馬獎佳卡通電影長片獎。     1983年四格漫畫作品開始在中國台灣、香港及新加坡、馬來西亞、日本的報刊長期連載。     1985年獲選為全台灣十大傑出青年。     1986年《莊子說》出版,蟬聯暢銷排行一名達十個多月。     1987年《老子說》等經典漫畫,《西遊記38變》等四格漫畫陸續出版,譯本包括德、日、俄、法等,至今已達二十余種語言。     1992年開始從事水墨創作。《蔡志忠經典漫畫珍藏本》出版。     1993年口述自傳《蔡子說》出版。     1999年12月8日獲得荷蘭克勞斯王子基金會頒獎,表彰他「通過漫畫將中國傳統哲學與文學作出了再創造」。     2011年獲得「金漫獎」終身成就獎。     2009年9月,入駐杭州西溪濕地,成立巧克力動漫公司,拍攝世界美術史動畫片。     2012年3月,受聘為騰訊網路動漫平台首席顧問。     2013年7月,蔡志忠諸子百家漫畫系列拍攝水墨動畫,其中260則故事編入中小學教材。

  The Dao Speaks Whispers of Wisdom.
  生命的大智慧TheWisdom ofLife
  老子其猶龍乎Is Not Laozi Like the Dragon!
第一部分Part I:
  道(上篇)The Way
  道可道,非常道TheDao That Can't Be Spoken
  有無相生The Theory ofRelativity
  道沖The Dao Is Empty
  芻狗Straw Dogs
  天地Our World Eternal
  上善若水Virtue Resembles Water
  持而盈之The Overflowing Cup
  營魄抱一B0dy and Soul
  無The Empty Cup
  無欲Boundless Desires
  寵辱Honor's Disgrace
  守靜Maintaining Tranquillity
  太上The Invisible King
  仁義Regression into Benevolence
  絕學Living With the Dao
  曲則全Bend Don't Break
  自知Overcoming Yourself
  執「大道」Holding on to the Dao
  以柔克剛The Strength of Weakness
第二部分Part II:
  道(下篇)The Way
  玄牝The Mysterious Female
  無物The Dao is Indistinct
  古之得「道」者Daoists ofOld
  絕聖棄智TheArtificial Role Model
  道之為物Reality of the Dao
  希言自然The Wanton Ruler
  企者不立The Exhibitionist
  有物渾成The Beginning
  處重守靜The Serious Ruler
  善行無轍跡Sagely Conservation
  為天下豁Confluence of the World
  欲取天下A Natural Government
  不矜不伐War and Force
  本諸自然A Natural Balance
  大道汜兮The Dao Nurtures
  道常無為The Natural Ruler
第三部分Part III:
  上德無為Superior Virtue Is Not Virtue
  有生於無Getting Something From Nothing
  道生萬物Universal Harmony

  至柔Soft Will Overcome
  知足不辱The Risk ofSeeking Fame and Fortune
  欲得There Is No Greater Crime
  不行而知Don't Go Out
  無為In Pursuit of Non-action
  聖人The Ideal Leader
  兕虎A Tiger May Be Vicious
  玄同OneWho Speaks Does Not Know
  無欲自朴TheMore Laws There Are
  烹小鮮Frying Fish
  樂推Navigating the State
  不爭The Good General
  知知The Know-it-all
  不爭善勝Contend By Not Contending
  草木Tree vs. Grass
  水石Water vs. Rock
  予而不取It's BetterfDGiveThan toReceive
  聖人不積The More You Give, the More You Get
第四部分Part IV:
  得一者Obtaining the One
  士聞道The Level Path
  大成若缺A Model for the World
  道生之,德畜之Profound Virtue
  天下有始 The Doors ofPerception
  大道The Great Path
  善建者不拔Cultivating Virtue
  含德之厚An Infant's Virtue
  奇正無端There Is N0 lustice
  大者宜為下The Lowly Superpower
  道者萬物之奧Prizing the Dao
  慎終如始Planning and Perseverance
  以愚治國Mysterious Virtue
  三寶The Three Treasures
  聖人懷玉Heart of Jade
  代大匠斯Standing Infor the Carpenter
  民之飢Starvation and Taxes
  天道猶張弓The Drawn Bow
  小國寡民The Ideal Country
第五部分Part V:
  諸子談黃老經Ancient Thinkers Discuss the Dao
  道可道,非常道。ifthe Dao can be explained,it is not the constant Dao
  名可名,非常名。If a name can be named,it is not a constant name
  太上,不知有之。As for the greatest kind of ruler, you don't even know he's there
  人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。Peoplefollow the earth,the earth
    follows heaven.heavenfollows the Dao,the Dao follows nature,

  上德不德,是以有德;下德不失德,是以無德。People ofsuperiorvirtue
    are not so intentionally and are therefore virtuous.People o/inferior virtue are
    intentionally virtuous and are thus not virtuous.
  禍莫大於不知足,咎莫大於欲得。There is no greater disaster than
    discontentment.There is no greater crime than greed
    One who knows does not speak, One who speaks does not know.
    The more prohibitions there are,the poorer the people will be.
    The more weapons there are,the more discordant it will be.
    The more cunning people are,the more wickedness there will be
    A good general is not excessively violent,A good soldier is not easily angered,
    A good conqueror does not resort to comfrontation
附錄·延伸閱讀APPENDIX Further reading

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