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  • 作者:(法)菲利克斯
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787510058349
  • 出版日期:2013/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:535
人民幣:RMB 99 元      售價:



Table of Examples
Ⅰ Homotopy Theory, Resolutions for Fibrations, and Plocal Spaces
  0 Topological spaces
  1 CW complexes, homotopy groups and coflbrations
    (a) CW complexes
    (b) Homotopy groups
    (c) Weak homotopy type
    (d) Cofibrations and NDR pairs
    (e) Adjunction spaces
    (f) Cones, suspensions, joins and smashes
  2 Fibrations and topological monoids
    (a) Fibrations
    (b) Topological monoids and G-fibrations
    (c) The homotopy fibre and the holonomy action
    (d) Fibre bundles and principal bundles
    (e) Associated bundles, classifying spaces, the Borel construction and the holonomy fibration
  3 Graded (differential) algebra
    (a) Graded modules and complexes
    (b) Graded algebras
    (c) Differential graded algebras
    (d) Graded coalgebras
    (e) When k is a field
  4 Singular chains, homology and Eilenberg-MacLane spaces
    (a) Basic definitions, (normalized) singular chains
    (b) Topological products, tensor products and the dgc, C*(X;k)
    (c) Pairs, excision, homotopy and the Hurewicz homomorphism
    (d) Weak homotopy equivalences
    (e) Cellular homology and the Hurewicz theorem
    (f) Eilenberg-MacLane spaces
  5 The cochain algebra C*(X;k)
  6 (R,d)-modules and semifree resolutions
    (a) Semifree models
    (b) Quasi-isomorphism theorems
  7 Semifree cochain models of a flbration
  8 Semifree chain models of a G-flbration
    (a) The chain algebra of a topological monoid
    (b) Semifree chain models
    (c) The quasi-isomorphism theorem
    (d) The Whitehead-Serre theorem
  9 p-local and rational spaces
    (a) p-local spaces
    (b) Localization
    (e) Rational homotopy type
Ⅱ Sullivan Models
Ⅲ Graded Differential Algebra (continued)
Ⅳ Lie Models
Ⅴ Rational Lusternik Schnirelmann Category
Ⅵ The Rational Dichotomy


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