幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:羅傑鸚
  • 出版社:浙江大學
  • ISBN:9787308116671
  • 出版日期:2013/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:396
人民幣:RMB 58 元      售價:



Unit 1  Poverty and Ghetto
  General Information
  Listening Practice
    Part Ⅰ  Ghetto
    Part Ⅱ  Michelle Obama's Slave Ancestry
    Part Ⅲ  African-Americans Still Lag behind Whites
    Part 1V  Poverty in America Affects Millions
  Oral Practice
  Reading Text
    The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream
  Further Reading
    To Kill a Mockingbird
  Writing Practice
Unit 2  Urban Prosperity and Rural Tranquility
  General Information
  Listening Practice
    Part Ⅰ  Cities or Countryside
    Part Ⅱ  Rethink the Role of the City
    Part Ⅲ  Natural England
    Part Ⅳ  Rural Opportunities Program
  Oral Practice
  Reading Text
  Further Reading
    Winter Walk
  Writing Practice
Unit 3  Emotion and Sentiment
  General Information
  Listening Practice
    Part Ⅰ  Wordmaster
    Part lI  Clear Your Mental Space
    Part Ⅲ  Today I Will Be Master of My Emotions
    Part Ⅳ  Critical Comment
  Oral Practice
  Reading Text
    My Father's Sweater
  Further Reading
    The Joy of Less
  Writing Practice
Unit 4  Dream and Expectation
  General Information
  Listening Practice
    Part Ⅰ  Inner Voice
    Part Ⅱ  The Biggest Economy
    Part Ⅲ  What Is American Dream?
    Part Ⅳ  Kiss of Reality

  Oral Practice
  Reading Text
    What Did You Expect? It Makes a Difference
  Further Reading
    The Truth about Relationship Expectations
  Writing Practice
Unit 5  Faith and Value
  General Information
  Listening Practice
    Part Ⅰ  What It Means to Be a Good Samaritan
    Part Ⅱ  What I Believe
    Part Ⅲ  The Real Measure of a Life Well Lived
    Part Ⅳ  Women in a Religious Community
  Oral Practice
  Reading Text
    Confucian World at the Time of the West's Expansion
  Further Reading
    Religions and World History
  Writing Practice
Unit 6 Courage and Fortitude
  General Information
  Listening Practice
    Part Ⅰ  Facing the Enemies Within
    Part Ⅱ  A Memory of the Challenger Astronauts
    Part Ⅰll  If I Were a Boy Again
    Part Ⅳ  Living Life Fueled by Power of Courage
  Oral Practice
  Reading Text
    The Courage to Live Consciously
  Further Reading
    Fortitude: The Determination to Become Happy
  Writing Practice
Unit 7  Intelligence and Education
  General Information
  Listening Practice
    Part Ⅰ  A Dialogue between Andre and His Mom
    Part Ⅱ  Considering National Education Standards
    Part Ⅲ  Does Physical Activity Lead to Higher Grades?
    Part Ⅳ  Intelligence and IQ
  Oral Practice
  Reading Text
    The Brains Business
  Further Reading
    The Evolution of Intelligence: Natural Genius?
  Writing Practice
Unit 8  Fame and Notoriety

  General Information
  Listening Practice
    Part Ⅰ  What I Have Lived For
    Part Ⅱ  The Most Intelligent Person Who Ever Lived
    Part Ⅲ  Ambition
    Part Ⅳ  Celebrating the Summer Olympics and Paralympics
  Oral Practice
  Reading Text
    The Fame Motive
  Further Reading
    The Roots of My Ambition
  Writing Practice

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