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  • 作者:(美)艾倫·米勒//金伯利·赫克特//布賴恩·戴維斯|譯者:楊榮森
  • 出版社:化學工業
  • ISBN:9787122147868
  • 出版日期:2012/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:237
人民幣:RMB 39 元      售價:



第1章 關節檢查
簡介 (Introduction)
肩部檢查 (Shoulder Exam)
頸椎和肩部的活動範圍(Range of Motion of the Cervical)
肩部觸診(Palpation of the Shoulder)
頸椎棘突檢查(Cervical Spinous Process Exam)
Spurling 檢查(Spurling』s Test)
垂臂檢查(Drop Arm Test)
阻抗式外旋檢查(Resisted External Rotation)
阻抗式內旋檢查(Resisted Internal Rotation)
Patte 檢查(Patte』s Test)
空罐檢查(Empty Can Tset)
背後舉起檢查(Lift-off Test)
Hawkins 檢查(Hawkins』 Test)
Neer 檢查(Neer』 Test)
研磨操作手法(Scouring Maneuver)
上臂交叉/ 內收/Apley 繞頸檢查(Crossed Arm/Adductoin/Apley』s Scarf Test)
Yergason 檢查(Yergason』s Test)
改良Yergason 檢查(Modified Yergason』s Test)
Speed 檢查(Speed』s Test)
主動壓迫檢查 (O』Brien 檢查)[Active Compression(O』Brien』s)Test]
恐懼檢查(Apprehension Test)
複位檢查(Relocation Test)
驚奇檢查 ( 向前放鬆檢查)[Surprise(Anterior Release)Test]
Adson 操作手法(Adson』s Maneuver)
Allen 檢查(Allen』s Test)
肋鎖檢查(Costoclavicular Test)
Roos 檢查(Roos』s Test)
Wright 超外展檢查(Wright』s Hyperabduction Test)
肘部檢查 (Elbow Exam)
肘部的活動範圍(Range of Motion of the Elbow)
肘部觸診(Palpation of the Elbow)
Cozen 檢查(Cozen』s Test)
腕關節屈曲檢查肱骨內上髁炎(Wrist Flexion for Medial Epicondylitis)
肘部尺神經Tinel 征(Tinel』s Sign of Ulnar at Elbow)
尺側副韌帶鬆弛(Medial Ligamentous Laxity)
橈側副韌帶鬆弛(Lateral Ligamentous Laxity)
腕部/手部/手指檢查(Wrist/Hand/Digit Exam)
腕部和手指的活動範圍(Range of Motion of the Wrist and Digits)
拇指動作 (Thumb Motion)
腕部/ 手部/ 手指觸診(Wrist/Hand/Digit Palpation)
腕部正中神經Tinel 征(Tinel』s Sign of Median nerve at Wrist)
改良Phalen 檢查(Modified Phalen』s Test)
反向Phalen 檢查(Reverse Phalen』s Test)
腕部壓迫檢查(Carpal Compression Test)
蛤殼檢查 ( 腕部伸肌) [Clamshell (Wrist Extensors)]
反向蛤殼檢查 ( 腕部屈肌)[Reverse Clamshell (Wrist Flexors)]

手部內部肌肉緊張檢查 (Bunnel-Littler 檢查)[Tight Hand Intrinsics Test (Bunnel-Littler』s Test)]
改良Finkelstein 檢查(Modified Finkelstein』s Test)
Froment 征(Froment』s Sign)
拇指軸向研磨檢查(Thumb Axial Grind Test)
腰?部和髖部檢查(Lumbosacral Spine and Hip Exam)
髖部和下背部的活動範圍(Range of Motion of Hip and Low Back)
胸椎- 腰椎- ?椎屈曲(T-L-S Spine Flexion)
胸椎- 腰椎- ?椎伸展和旋轉(T-L-S Spine Extension and Rotation)
胸椎- 腰椎- ?椎側向彎曲(T-L-S Spine Lateral Bending)
髖關節內旋(Hip Internal Rotation)
髖關節外旋(Hip External Rotation)
髖關節屈曲(Hip Flexion)
髖關節伸展(Hip Extension)
下背部和髖部觸診(Palpation of the Low Back and Hip)
腰椎棘突檢查(Lumbar Spinous Process Exam)
腰椎小面關節碾磨檢查(Lumbar Facet Gring Test)
Yeoman 檢查(Yeoman』s Test)
Gaenslen 檢查(Gaenslen』s Test)
Ober 檢查(Ober』s Test)
Noble 壓迫檢查(Noble』s Compression Test)
直腿抬舉檢查(Straight Leg Raise Test)
Ely 檢查(Ely』s Test)
松垮檢查(Slump Test)
股神經牽張檢查(Femoral Nerve Stretch Test)
下肢不等長(Leg Length Discrepancy)
股骨前傾(Femoral Anteversion)
Hoover 征(Hoover』s Sign)
Herbison背部3分鐘檢查法(The Herbison 3-Minute Back Exam)
1 胸部旋轉(Thoracic Rotation)
2 Thomas 檢查(Thomas』s Test)
3 改良Gaenslen 檢查(Modified Gaenslen』s Test)
4 改良Ely 檢查(Modified Ely』s Test)
5  改良股神經牽張檢查(Modified Femoral Nerve Stretch Test)
6 改良Ober 檢查(Modified Ober』s Test)
7 髖部活動範圍檢查(Hip Range of Motion Test)
8 直腿抬舉檢查(Straight Leg Raise Test)
9 FABERE/Patrick 檢查(FABERE/Patrick』s Test)
膝部檢查 (Knee Exam)
膝部的活動範圍(Range of motion of the Knee)
膝部觸診(Palpation of the Knee)
髕骨上方壓迫檢查(Suprapatellar Compression Test)
髕骨輕推滑動檢查(Patellar Ballotment)
向前拖曳檢查(Anterior Drawer Test)
軸向移動檢查(Pivot Shift Test)
向後拖曳檢查(Posterior Drawer Test)
Lachman 檢查(Lachman』s Test)
McMurray 檢查(McMurray』s Test)
外側穩定度檢查(Test for Lateral Stability)

關節線壓痛檢查(Joint Line Tenderness Test)
內側穩定度檢查(Test for Medial Stability)
Apley 碾磨檢查(Apley』s Grinding Test)
Apley 牽引檢查(Apley』s Distraction Test)
腓骨頭處腓神經的Tinel 征(Tinel』s Sign of Peroneal Nerve at Fibular Head)
踝部檢查 (Foot and Ankle Exam)
踝部的活動範圍(Range of Motion of the Ankle)
踝部觸診(Palpation of the Ankle)
跟腱觸診(Achilles Tendon Palpation)
緊握擠壓檢查 (Thompson 檢查)[Squeeze Test(Thompson』s Test)]
踝部向前拖拽檢查(Ankle Anterior Drawer)
外旋檢查(External Rotation Test)
距骨傾斜檢查(Talar Tilt Test)
足底筋膜炎檢查(Plantar Fasciitis Test)
跗管檢查 ( 踝部脛神經的Tinel 征)[Tarsal Tunnel Test (Tinel』s Sign of nerve at Ankle)]

第2章 肌肉檢查
簡介 (Introduction)
肌力分級(Grading Muscle Strength)
上肢(Upper Extremities)
上斜方肌(Upper Trapezius)
中斜方肌(Middle Trapezius)
下斜方肌(Lower Trapezius)
中三角肌(Middle Deltoid)
胸大肌(Pectoralis Major)
前鋸肌(Serratus Anterior)
肩部外旋肌(Shoulder External Rotators)
肱二頭肌(Biceps Brachii)
旋前圓肌(Pronator Teres)
橈側腕屈肌(Flexor Carpi Radialis)
尺側腕屈肌(Flexor Carpi Ulnaris)
橈側腕長伸肌和橈側腕短伸肌(Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus and Brevis)
指淺屈肌(Flexor Digitorum Superficialis)
指深屈肌(Flexor Digitorum Superficialis)
示指伸肌(Extensor Indicis)
拇長屈肌(Flexor Pollicis Longus)
拇長伸肌和拇短伸肌(Extensor Pollicis Longus and Brevis)
拇短展肌(Abductor Pollicis Brevis)
拇收肌(Adductor Pollicis)
第一骨間背側肌(First Dorsal Interosseous)
小指展肌(Abductor Digiti Minimi)
骨間掌側肌(Palmar Interossei)
掌長肌(Palmaris Longus)
下肢(Lower Extremities)
髖部內收肌(Hip Adductors)

髖部外展肌(Hip Adbuctors)
髖部內旋肌(Hip Internal Rotators)
脛骨前肌(Tibialis Anterior)
脛骨后肌(Tibialis Posterior)
腓骨長肌和腓骨短肌(Peroneus Longus and Brvis)
長屈肌(Flexor Hallucis Longus)
長伸肌(Extensor Hallucis Longus)
腓腸肌和比目魚肌(Gastrocnemius and Soleus)

第3章 反射檢查
簡介 (Introduction)
深腱/ 肌肉牽張反射的分級(Grading Deep Tendon/Muscle Stretch Reflexes)
記錄反射的常用方法(Conventional Method of Documenting Reflexes)
上肢反射 (Upper Extremity Reflexes)
肱二頭肌反射 (C5) (Biceps Reflex)
肱橈肌反射 (C6) (Brachioradialis Reflex)
橈側腕伸肌反射 (C6)(Extensor Caepi Radialis Reflex)
旋前圓肌反射 (C6) (Pronator Teres Reflex)
肱三頭肌反射 (C7) (Triceps Reflex)
手屈肌反射 (C8/T1) (Finger Flexors Reflex)
下肢反射 (Lower Extremity Reflexes)
內收肌反射 (L3) (Adductor Reflex)
髕反射(L4)(Patellar Reflex)
內側腿后肌群反射 (L5) (Medial Hamstring Reflex)
踝陣攣反射 (S1)
外側腿后肌群反射 (S1) (Lateral Hamstring Reflex)
Babinski 征(Babinski』s Sign)
Chaddock 征(Chaddock』s Sign)
Oppenheim 征(Oppenheim』s Sign)
Hoffman 征(Hoffman』s Sign)
Wartenberg 征(Wartenberg』s Sign)
頜反射(Jaw Jerk)
眉心反射(Glabellar Reflex)
鼻口部反射(Snout Reflex)
Jendrassik 操作法(Jendrassik』s Maneuver)

第4章 周圍神經檢查
簡介 (Introductoin)
外周神經和脊神經根 ( 正面分佈) [Peripheral Nerves and Spinal Roots (Anterior Distribution)
外周神和脊神經根 ( 背面分佈) [Peripheral Nerves and Spinal Roots (Posterior Distribution)]
上肢 (Upper Extremities)
臂從神經(Brachial Plexus)
肌皮神經(Musculocutaneous Nerve)
正中神經(Median Nerve)
橈神經和腋神經(Radial and Axillary Nerves)
尺神經(Ulnar Nerve)

神經根皮節分區檢查的臨床標誌(Clinical Landmarks for Root-level Dermatomal Examination)
下肢 (Lower Extremities)
腰從、?叢神經(Lumbosacral Plexus)
股神經(Femoral Nerve)
閉孔神經(Obturator Nerve)
腓神經[Peroneal (Fibular) Nerve]
脛神經(Tibial Nerve)
神經根皮節分區檢查的臨床標誌(Clinical Landmarks for Root-level Dermatomal Examination)
其他 (Miscellaneous)
輕觸檢查(Light Touch Sensatoin)
針刺檢查(Pinprick Sensation)
振動檢查(Vibratory Sensation)

第5章 步態和姿勢
簡介 (Introduction)
姿勢評估(Posture Evaluation)
步態周期(Gait Cycle)
常見的步態異常(Common Abnormalities of Gait)
Trendelenburg 氏步態(Trendelenburg Gait)
腿長不等(Leg Length Discrepancy)
止痛 ( 劇痛) 步態 [Antalgic (Painful) Gait]
共濟失調步態(Ataxic Gait)
神經病變性步態(Neuropathic Gait)
足部拍擊地面(Foot Stap)
跨越步態(Steppage Gait)
膝關節反屈(Knee Recurvatum)
臀大肌跛行(Gluteus Maximus Lurch)
痙攣型偏癱步態(Spastic Hemiplegic Gait)
痙攣型雙側麻痹步態(Spastic Diplegic Gait)
肌營養不良步態(Dystrophic Gait)
迴轉步態(Circumduction Gait)
帕金森病步態(Parkinsonian Gait)
步態周期圖解(Gait Cycle Diagram)

第6章 脊髓損傷檢查
簡介 (Introduction)
美國脊椎損傷學會(American Spinal Injury Association)
脊髓綜合征(Spinal Cord Syndrome)
感覺檢查(Sensory Examination)
運動檢查(Motor Examination)
功能損傷評分(Impairment Scale)
分類步驟(Steps in Clasification)
標準分類表(Standard Classification Form)

第7章 參考表格和資料
簡介 (Introduction)
神經學和肌肉骨骼學參考資料(Neurologic and Musculoskeletal Resources)
解剖平面和說明(Anatomic Planes and Descriptors)
肌力分級(Grading Muscle Strength)

評估痙攣的改良Ashworth 評分系統(Modified AshworthScale for Grading Spasticity)
深部肌腱/ 肌肉牽張反射分級(Grading Deep Tendon/Muscle Stretch Reflexes)
記錄反射的傳統方法(Conventional Method ofDocumenting Reflexes)
上運動神經元與下運動神經元病況之比較(Upper MotorNeuron Versus Lower Motor Neuron Findings)
典型上肢神經根病變(Classic Upper ExtremityRadiculopathies)
典型下肢神經根病變(Classic Lower ExtremityRadiculopathies)
疼痛類型(Types of Pain)
不自主動作的定義(Definitions of Involuntary MotorMovements)
常見卒中綜合征(Common Stroke Syndrome)
美國風濕病學院1990 年纖維肌痛症分類標準(AmericanCollege of Rheumatology 1990 Criteria for theClassification of Fibromyalgia)
非器質性下背痛的Waddell 征(Waddell』s Sign ofNonorganic Low Back Pain)
對稱性肌肉無力的診斷(Diagnosis of Symmetric Muscle Weakness)
疼痛的視覺類比評分量表(Visual Analog Scale of Pain)
Wong-Baker FACES 小兒疼痛評估表(Wong-Baker』sFACES Pain Rating Scale)

第8章 肌肉骨骼圖譜
簡介 (Introduction)
上肢 (Upper Extremities)
下肢 (Lower Extremities)

第9章 肌肉簡表
簡介 (Introduction)
上肢(Upper Extremities)
(Muscle Action, Location and Innervation——Shoulder and Arm)
肌肉動作、解剖位置和神經支配——前臂(MuscleAction,Location and Innervation——Forearm)
肌肉動作、解剖位置和神經支配——手部(MuscleAction,Location and Innervation——Hand)
下肢 (Lower Extremities)
(Muscle Action,Location and Innervation——Abdomen, Hip, Pelvis)
(Muscle Action,Location and Innervation——Thigh and Leg)
肌肉動作、解剖位置和神經支配——足部(MuscleAction,Location and Innervation——Foot)


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