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  • 作者:(美)巴塔努尼
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787510042812
  • 出版日期:2012/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:922
人民幣:RMB 165 元      售價:



1 symmetry and physics
  1.1 introduction
  1.2 hamiltonians, eigenfunctions, and eigenvalues
  1.3 symmetry operators and operator algebra
  1.4 point-symmetry operations
  1.5 applications to quantum mechanics
2 symmetry and group theory
  2.1 groups and their realizations
  2.2 the symmetric group
  2.3 computational aspects
  2.4 classes
  2.5 homomorphism, isomorphism, and automorphism
  2.6 direct- or outer-product groups
3 group representations: concepts
  3.1 representations and realizations
  3.2 generation of representations on a set of basis functions
4 group representations: formalism and methodology
  4.1 matrix representations
  4.2 character of a matrix representation
  4.3 burnside's method
  computational projects
5 dixon's method for computing group characters
  5.1 the eigenvalue equation modulo p
  5.2 dixon's method for irreducible characters
  5.3 computer codes for dixon's method
  appendix 1 finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors
  appendix 2
  computation project
6 group action and symmetry projection operators
  6.1 group action
  6.2 symmetry projection operators
  6.3 the regular projection matrices: the simple characteristic
7 construction of the irreducible representations
  7.1 eigenvectors of the regular rep
  7.2 the symmetry structure of the regular rep eigenvectors
  7.3 symmetry projection on regular rep eigenvectors
  7.4 computer construction of irreps with ds ]1
  7.5 summary of the method
8 product groups and product representations
  8.1 introduction
  8.2 subgroups and cosets
  8.3 direct outer-product groups

  8.4 semidirect product groups
  8.5 direct inner-product groups and their representations
  8.6 product representations and the clebsch-gordan series
  8.7 computer codes
  8.8 summary
9 induced representations
  9.1 introduction
  9.2 subduced reps and compatibility relations
  9.3 induction of group reps from the irreps of its subgroups
  9.4 irreps induced from invariant subgroups
  9.5 examples of irrep induction using the method of little-groups
  appendix frobenius reciprocity theorem and other useful theorems
10 crystallographic symmetry and space-groups
  10.1 euclidean space
  10.2 crystallography
  10.3 the perfect crystal
  10.4 space-group operations: the seitz operators
  10.5 symmorphic and nonsymmorphic space-groups
  10.6 site-symmetries and the .wyckoff notation
  10.7 fourier space crystallography
11 space-groups: irreps
  11.1 irreps of the translation group
  11.2 induction of irreps of space-groups
12 time-reversal symmetry: color groups and the onsager relations
  12.1 introduction
  12.2 the time-reversal operator in quantum mechanics
  12.3 spin-l/2 and double-groups
  12.4 magnetic and color groups
  12.5 the time-reversed representation: theory of corepresentations
  12.6 theory of crystal fields
  12.7 onsager reciprocity theorem (onsager relations) and transport properties
13 tensors and tensor fields
  13.1 tensors and their space-time symmetries
  13.2 construction of symmetry-adapted tensors
  13.3 description and classification of matter tensors
  13.4 tensor field representations
14 electronic properties of solids
  14.1 introduction
  14.2 the one-electron approximations and self-consistent-field theories
  14.3 methods and techniques for band structure calculations
  14.4 electronic structure of magnetically ordered systems
  appendix i derivation of the hartree-fock equations
  appendix 2 holstein-primakoff (hp) operators

15 dynamical properties of molecules, solids, and surfaces
  15.1 introduction
  15.2 dynamical properties of molecules
  15.3 dynamical properties of solids
  15.4 dynamical properties of surfaces
  appendix 1 coulomb interactions and the method of ewald summation
  appendix 2 electronic effects on phonons in insulators and semiconductors
16 experimental measurements and selection rules
  16.1 introduction
  16.2 selection rules
  16.3 differential scattering cross-sections in the born approximation
  16.4 light scattering spectroscopies
  16.5 photoemission and dipole selection rules
  16.6 neutron and atom scattering spectroscopies
  17.1 phase transitions and their classification
  17.2 landau theory of phase transitions: principles
  17.3 construction and minimization techniques for △φ
18 incommensurate systems and quasi-crystals
  18.1 introduction
  18.2 the concept of higher-dimensional spaces: superspaces and superlattices
  18.3 quasi-crystal symmetry: the notion of indistinguishability and the clossification of space-groups
  18.4 two-dimensional lattices, cyclotomic integers, and axial stacking

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