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  • 作者:(美)卡托克
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787510032929
  • 出版日期:2011/04/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:802
人民幣:RMB 99 元      售價:

    This book provides the first self-contained comprehensive exposition of the theory of dynamical systems as a core mathematical discipline closely intertwined with most of the main areas of mathematics. The authors introduce and rigorously develop the theory while providing researchers interested in applications with fundamental tools and paradigms.
    The book begins with a discussion of several elementary but fundamental examples.These are used to formulate a program for the general study of asymptotic properties and to introduce the principal theoretical concepts and methods. The main theme of the second part of the book is the interplay between local analysis near individual orbits and the global complexity of the orbit structure. The third and fourth parts develop in depth the theories of low-dimensional dynamical systems and hyperbolic dynamical systems.
    The book is aimed at students and researchers in mathematics at all levels from advanced undergraduate up. Scientists and engineers working in applied dynamics, nonlinear science, and chaos will also find many fresh insights in this concrete and clear presentation. It contains more than four hundred systematic exercises.


  0. introduction
    1. principal branches of dynamics
    2. flows, vector fields, differential equations
    3. time-one map, section, suspension
    4. linearization and localization
part 1 examples and fundamental concepts
  1. firstexamples
    1. maps with stable asymptotic behavior
    contracting maps; stability of contractions; increasing interval maps
    2. linear maps
    3. rotations of the circle
    4. translations on the torus
    5. linear flow on the torus and completely integrable systems
    6. gradient flows
    7. expanding maps
    8. hyperbolic toral automorphisms
    9. symbolic dynamical systems
    sequence spaces; the shift transformation; topological markov chains; the perron-frobenius operator for positive matrices
  2. equivalence, classification, andinvariants
    1. smooth conjugacy and moduli for maps equivalence and moduli; local analytic linearization; various types of moduli
    2. smooth conjugacy and time change for flows
    3. topological conjugacy, factors, and structural stability
    4. topological classification of expanding maps on a circle expanding maps; conjugacy via coding; the fixed-point method
    5. coding, horseshoes, and markov partitions
    markov partitions; quadratic maps; horseshoes; coding of the toral automor- phism
    6. stability of hyperbolic total automorphisms
    7. the fast-converging iteration method (newton method) for the
    conjugacy problem
    methods for finding conjugacies; construction of the iteration process
    8. the poincare-siegel theorem
    9. cocycles and cohomological equations
  3. principalclassesofasymptotictopologicalinvariants
    1. growth of orbits
    periodic orbits and the-function; topological entropy; volume growth; topo-logical complexity: growth in the fundamental group; homological growth
    2. examples of calculation of topological entropy
    isometries; gradient flows; expanding maps; shifts and topological markov chains; the hyperbolic toral automorphism; finiteness of entropy of lipschitz maps; expansive maps
    3. recurrence properties
  4.statistical behavior of orbits and introduction to ergodic theory
    1. asymptotic distribution and statistical behavior of orbits
    asymptotic distribution, invariant measures; existence of invariant measures;the birkhoff ergodic theorem; existence of symptotic distribution; ergod-icity and unique ergodicity; statistical behavior and recurrence; measure-theoretic somorphism and factors
    2. examples of ergodicity; mixing
    rotations; extensions of rotations; expanding maps; mixing; hyperbolic total automorphisms; symbolic systems
    3. measure-theoretic entropy
    entropy and conditional entropy of partitions; entropy of a measure-preserving transformation; properties of entropy
    4. examples of calculation of measure-theoretic entropy
    rotations and translations; expanding maps; bernoulli and markov measures;hyperbolic total automorphisms
    5. the variational pr
    the smooth measure class; the perron-frobenius operator and divergence;criteria for existence of smooth invariant measures; absolutely continuous invariant measures for expanding maps; the moser theorem
    2. examples of newtonian systems
    the newton equation; free particle motion on the torus; the mathematical pendulum; central forces
    3. lagrangian mechanics
    uniqueness in the configuration space; the lagrange equation; lagrangian systems; geodesic flows; the legendre transform
    4. examples of geodesic flows
    manifolds with many symmetries; the sphere and the toms; isometrics of the hyperbolic plane; geodesics of the hyperbolic plane; compact factors; the dynamics of the geodesic flow on compact hyperbolic surfaces
    5. hamiltonian systems
    symplectic geometry; cotangent bundles; hamiltonian vector fields and flows;poisson brackets; integrable systems
    6. contact systems
    hamiltonian systems preserving a 1-form; contact forms
    7. algebraic dynamics: homogeneous and afline systems
part 2 local analysis and orbit growth
  6.local hyperbolic theory and its applications
    1. introduction
    2. stable and unstable manifolds
    hyperbolic periodic orbits; exponential splitting; the hadamard-perron the-orem; proof of the hadamard-perron theorem; the inclination lemma
    3. local stability of a hyperbolic periodic point
    the hartman-grobman theorem; local structural stability
    4. hyperbolic sets
    definition and invariant cones; stable and unstable manifolds; closing lemma and periodic orbits; locally maximal hyperbolic sets
    5. homoclinic points and horseshoes
    general horseshoes; homoclinic points; horseshoes near homoclinic poi
    6. local smooth linearization and normal forms
    jets, formal power series, and smooth equivalence; general formal analysis; the hyperbolic smooth case
  7.transversality and genericity
    1. generic properties of dynamical systems
    residual sets and sets of first category; hyperbolicity and genericity
    2. genericity of systems with hyperbolic periodic points
    transverse fixed points; the kupka-smale theorem
    3. nontransversality and bifurcations
    structurally stable bifurcations; hopf bifurcations
    4. the theorem of artin and mazur
    1. topological and fundamental-group entropies
    2. a survey of degree theory
    motivation; the degree of circle maps; two definitions of degree for smooth maps; the topological definition of degree
    3. degree and topological entropy
    4. index theory for an isolated fixed point
    5. the role of smoothness: the shub-sullivan theorem
    6. the lefschetz fixed-point formula and applications
    7. nielsen theory and periodic points for toral maps
  9.variational aspects of dynamics
    1. critical points of functions, morse theory, and dynamics
    2. the billiard problem
    3. twist maps
    definition and examples; the generating function; extensions;
    7. minimal geodesics on compact surfaces
part 3 low-dimensional phenomena
  10. introduction: what is low-dimensional dynamics?
    motivation; the intermediate value property and conformality; vet low-dimensional and low-dimensional systems; areas of !ow-dimensional dynamics
    1. rotation number
    2. the poincare classification
    rational rotation number; irrational rotation number; orbit types and mea-surable classification
  12. circle diffeomorphisms
    1. the denjoy theorem
    2. the denjoy example
    3. local analytic conjugacies for diophantine rotation number
    4. invariant measures and regularity of conjugacies
    5. an example with singular conjugacy
    6. fast-approximation methods
    conjugacies of intermediate regularity; smooth cocycles with wild cobound-aries
    7. ergodicity with respect to lebesgue measure
  13. twist maps
    1. the regularity lemma
    2. existence of aubry-mather sets and homoclinic orbits
    aubry-mather sets; invariant circles and regions of instability
    3. action functionals, minimal and ordered orbits
    minimal action; minimal orbits; average action and minimal measures; stable sets for aubry-mather sets
    4. orbits homoclinic to aubry-mather sets
    5. nonexisience of invariant circles and localization of aubry-mather sets
    1. poincare-bendixson theory
    the poincare-bendixson theorem; existence of transversals
    2. fixed-point-free flows on the torus
    global transversals; area-preserving flows
    3. minimal sets
    4. new phenomena
    the cherry flow; linear flow on the octagon
    5. interval exchange transformations
    definitions and rigid intervals; coding; structure of orbit closures; invariant measures; minimal nonuniquely ergodic interval exchanges
    6. application to flows and billiards
    classification of orbits; parallel flows and billiards in polygons
    7. generalizations of rotation number
    rotation vectors for flows on the torus; asymptotic cycles; fundamental class and smooth classification of area-preserving flows
    1. markov covers and partitions
    2. entropy, periodic orbits, and horseshoes
    3. the sharkovsky theorem
    4. maps with zero topological entropy
    5. the kneading theory
    6. the tent model
    1. the structure of hyperbolic repellers
    2. hyperbolic sets for smooth maps
    3. continuity of entropy

    4. full families of unimodal maps
part 4 hyperbolic dynamical systems
    1. the smale attractor
    2. the da (derived from anosov) map and the plykin attractor
    the da map; the plykln attractor
    3. expanding maps and anosov automorphisms of nilmanifolds
    4. definitions and basic properties of hyperbolic sets for flows
    5. geodesic flows on surfaces of constant negative curvature
    6. geodesic flows on compact riemannian manifolds with negative sectional curvature
    7. geodesic flows on rank-one symmetric spaces
    8. hyperbolic julia sets in the complex plane
    rational maps of the riemann sphere; holomorphic dynamics
    1. shadowing of pseudo-orbits
    2. stability of hyperbolic sets and markov approximation
    3. spectral decomposition and specification
    spectral decomposition for maps; spectral decomposition for flows; specifica- tion
    4. local product structure
    5. density and growth of periodic orbits
    6. global classification of anosov diffeomorphisms on tori
    7. markov partitions
  19. metric structure of hyperbolic sets
    1. holder structures
    the invariant class of hsider-continuons functions; hslder continuity of conju-gacies; hslder continuity of orbit equivalence for flows; hslder continuity and differentiability of the unstable distribution; hslder continuity of the jacobian
    2. cohomological equations over hyperbolic dynamical systems
    the livschitz theorem; smooth invariant measures for anosov diffeomor-phisms; time change and orbit equivalence for hyperbolic flows; equivalence of torus extensions
    1. bowen measure
    2. pressure and the variational principle
    3. uniqueness and classification of equilibrium states
    uniqueness of equilibrium states; classification of equilibrium states
    4. smooth invariant measures
    properties of smooth invariant measures; smooth classification of anosov dif-feomorphisms on the torus; smooth classification of contact anosov flows on 3-manifolds
    5. margulis measure
    6. multiplicative asymptotic for growth of periodic points
    local product flow boxes; the multiplicative asymptotic of orbit growth
  s. dynamical systems with nonuniformly hyperbolic behavior byanatolekatokandleonardomendoza
    1. introduction
    2. lyapunov exponents
    cocycles over dynamical systems; examples of cocycles; the multiplicative ergodic theorem; osedelec-pesin e-reduction theorem; the rue!!e inequality
    3. regular neighborhoods
    existence of regular neighborhoods; hyperbolic points, admissible manifolds, and the graph transform
    4. hyperbolic measures
    preliminaries; the closing lemma; the shadowing lemma; pseudo-markov covers; the livschitz theorem
    5. entropy and dynamics of hyperbolic measures
    hyperbolic measures and hyperbolic periodic points; continuous measures and transverse homocli
    1. basic topology
    topological spaces; homotopy theory; metric spaces
    2. functional analysis
    3. differentiable manifolds
    differentiable manifolds; tensor bundles; exterior calculus; transversality
    4. differential geometry
    5. topology and geometry of surfaces
    6. measure theory
    basic notions; measure and topology
    7. homology theory
    8. locally compact groups and lie groups

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