2-5 中國會展教育師資建設策略探討 2-6 「項目驅動、以賽促教」的理念與實踐 主題三:會展國際學術交流 3-1 會展經濟與城市品牌聯動效應研究 3-2 Inf1uence of the Yiwu Fair on the Deve1opment of Business Trave1 and the 1oca1 Economy 3-3 Web-based Visitor Data Management for China's Trade Fairs 3-4 Informatization of Visitor Management in 1arge-Sca1e Trade Fairs Based on E-Service 3-5 Uti1ization of Competitive Inte11igence in China's Trade Fair Companies 3-6 Trade Fair Visitors' Re1ationship Management Based on Their Data Ana1ysis and Appraisa1 後記