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  • 作者:(美)斯通
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787506292764
  • 出版日期:2010/04/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:270
人民幣:RMB 35 元      售價:



1 Discrete Systems
  1.1 One-Dimensional Harmonic Crystal
    1.1.1 Normal Modes
    1.1.2 Harmonic Oscillator
    1.1.3 Annihilation and Creation Operators for Normal Modes
  1.2 Continuum Limit
    1.2.1 Sums and Integrals
    1.2.2 Continuum Fields
2 Relativistic Scalar Fields
  2.1 Convcntions
  2.2 The Klein-Gordon Equation
    2.2.1 Relativistic Normalization
    2.2.2 An Inner Product
    2.2.3 Complex Scalar Fields
  2.3 Symmetries and Noether's Theorem
    2.3.1 Internal Symmetries
    2.3.2 Space-Time Symmetries
3 Perturbation Theory
  3.1 Interactions
  3.2 Perturbation Theory
    3.2.1 Interaction Picture
    3.2.2 Propagators and Time-Ordered Products
  3.3 Wick's Theorem
    3.3.1 Normal Products
    3.3.2 Wick's Theorem
    3.3.3 Applications
4 Feynman Rules
  4.1 Diagrams
    4.1.1 Diagrams in Space-time
    4.1.2 Diagrams in Momentum Space
  4.2 Scattering Theory
    4.2.1 Cross-Sections
    4.2.2 Decay of an Unstable Particle
5 Loops, Unitarity, and Analyticity
  5.1 Unitarity of the S Matrix
  5.2 The Analytic S Matrix
    5.2.1 Origin of Analyticity
    5.2.2 Unitarity and Branch Cuts
    5.2.3 Resonances, Widths, and Lifetimes
  5.3 Some Loop Diagrams
    5.3.1 Wick Rotation
    5.3.2 Feynman Parameters
    5.3.3 Dimensional Regularization
6 Formal Developments
  6.1 Gell-Mann Low Theorem
  6.2 Lehmann-Kaillen Spectral Representation
  6.3 LSZ Reduction Formulae
    6.3.1 Amputation of External Legs
    6.3.2 In and Out States and Fields

    6.3.3 Borcher's Classes
7 Fermions
  7.1 Dirac Equation
  7.2 Spinors, Tensors, and Currents
    7.2.1 Field Bilinears
    7.2.2 Conservation Laws
  7.3 Holes and the Dirac Sea
    7.3.1 Positive and Negative Energies
    7.3.2 Holes
  7.4 Quantization
    7.4.1 Normal and Time-Ordered Products
  8.1 Quantizing Maxwell's Equations
    8.1.1 1 Hamiltonian Formalism
    8.1.2 Axial Gauge
    8.1.3 Lorentz Gauge
  8.2 Feynman Rules for QED
    8.2.1 Moiler Scattering
  8.3 Ward Identity and Gauge Invariance
    8.3.1 The Ward Identity
    8.3.2 Applications
9 Electrons in Solids
  9.1 Second Quantization
  9.2 Fermi Gas and Fermi Liquid
    9.2.1 One-Particle Density Matrix
    9.2.2 Linear Response
    9.2.3 Diagram Approach
    9.2.4 Applications
  9.3 Electrons and Phonons
10 Nonrelativistic Bosons
  10.1 The Boson Field
  10.2 Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
  10.3 Dilute Bose Gas
    10.3.1 Bogoliubov Transfomation
    10.3.2 Field Equations
    10.3.3 Quantization
    10.3.4 Landau Criterion for Superfiuidity
    10.3.5 Normal and Superfiuid Densities
  10.4 Charged Bosom
    10.4.1 Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
    10.4.2 Vortices
    10.4.3 Connection with Fluid Mechanics
11 Finite Temperature
  11.1 Partition Functions
  11.2 Worldlines
  11.3 Matsubara Sums
12 Path Integrals
  12.1 Quantum Mechanics of a Particle
    12.1.1 Real Time
    12.1.2 Euclidean Time

  12.2 Gauge Invariance and Operator Ordering
  12.3 Correlation Functions
  12.4 Fields
  12.5 Gaussian Integrals and Free Fields
    12.5.1 Real Fields
    12.5.2 Complex Fields
  12.6 Perturbation Theory
13 Functional Methods
  13.1 Generating Functionals
    13.1.1 Effective Action
  13.2 Ward Identities
    13.2.1 Goldstone's Theorem
14 Path Integrals for Fermions
  14.1 Berezin Integrals
    14.1.1 A Simple Supersymmetry
  14.2 Fermionic Coherent States
  14.3 Superconductors
    14.3.1 Effective Action
15 Lattice Field Theory
  15.1 Boson Fields
  15.2 Random Walks
  15.3 Interactions and Bose Condensation
    15.3.1 Rotational Invariance
  15.4 Lattice Fermions
    15.4.1 No Chiral Lattice Fermions
16 The Renormailzation Group
  16.1 Transfer Matrices
    16.1.1 Continuum Limit
    16.1.2 Two-Dimensional Ising Model
  16.2 Block Spins and Renormalization Group
    16.2.1 Correlation Functions
17 Fields and Renormalization
  17.1 The Free-Field Fixed Point
  17.2 The Gaussian Model
  17.3 General Method
  17.4 Nonlinear o Model
    17.4.1 Renormalizing
    17.4.2 Solution of the RGE
  17.5 Renormalizing
18 Large N Expansions
  18.1 O(N) Linear a-Model
  18.2 Large N Expansions
    18.2.1 Linear vs. Nonlinear σ-Models
A Relativistic State Normalization
B The General Commutator
C Dimensional Regularization
  C.I Analytic Continuation and Integrals
  C.2 Propagators
D Spinors and the Principle of the Sextant
  D.1 Constructing the λ-Matrices

  D.2 Basic Theorem
  D.3 Chirality
  D.4 Spin(2N), Pin(2N), and SU(N) C SO(2N)
E Indefinite Metric
F Phonons and Momentum
G Determinants in Quantum Mechanics

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