Chapter 1 Introduction to Cross-Cultural Communication
1.1 Overview
1.2 Features of Culture
1.3 Culture and Language
1.4 Intercultural Communication
1.5 Culture Shock
Chapter 2 One Man's Meat Is Another Man's Poison: American and British Characters and Values
2.1 American Values
2.2 British Values
Chapter 3 Actions Speak Louder than Words: An Overview of Non-Verbal Communication
3.1 Classification of NVC
3.2 Body Language
Chapter 4 When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do: Traditions and Customs
4.1 Manners and Etiquette
4.2 Love, Marriage, and Family
4.3 Catering Culture and Table Manners
4.4 House in America and Britain
Chapter 5 Let Words Work Right for You: Formal and Informal English
5.1 British English and American English
5.2 Formal and Informal English
5.3 English Slang: An In{ormal Language
Chapter 6 Let's Strike a Deal: Business Communication
6.1 Business Etiquette
6.2 Writing Business Letters
6.3 Writing Business E-mail
Chapter 7 Knowledge Is Power: Education
7.1 Education in the United States
7.2 Education in the United Kingdom
7.3 Graduation Ceremony in the U.S.and the U.K.
Chapter 8 To Get the Lion's Share: Economic Life
8.1 General Overview of American Economy
8.2 General Overview of British Economy
Chapter 9 All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy: Entertainment and Leisure Activities
9.1 Mass Media and Sports in the United States
9.2 Mass Media and Sports in Great Britain
Chapter 10 Histories Make Men Wise: History and Government
10.1 History and Government of the United States
10.2 History and Government of Great Britain
Chapter 11 See God to Believe, or Believe God to See: Religions and Beliefs
11.1 Religions in the United States
11.2 Religions in the United Kingdom
11.3 Belief in God and Church-Going in the U.S.and the U.K.
11.4 Religion and Science
11.5 Religion and Politics
Chapter 12 Let's Paint the Town Red and Celebrate: Holidays and Festivals
12.1 Overview
12.2 Holidays and Festivals Shared by the U.S.and the U.K.
12.3 Uniquely American Holidays and Festivals
12.4 Uniquely British Holidays and Festivals
Suggested Answers to Activities and Exercises