幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:李蘭波//劉一平
  • 出版社:高等教育
  • ISBN:9787040280401
  • 出版日期:2009/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:281
人民幣:RMB 25 元      售價:



Unit 1 Land,Politics and Economy
Section A  Land
       1.1 The UK
       1.2 The US
       1.3 Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Section B  Politics
       1.4 The UK
       1.5 The US
       1.6 Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Section C  Economy
       1.7 The UK
       1.8 The US
       1.9 Canada, Australia and New Zealand

Unit 2 Historic Events
Section A  Before 1714
       2.1 The UK
       2.2 The US
       2.3 Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Section B  1714-1901
       2.4 The UK
       2.5 The US
       2.6 Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Section C  The Modern Times(1901-Present)
       2.7 The UK
       2.8 The US
       2.9 Canada, Australia and New Zealand

Unit 3 People
Section A  Beliefs and Values
       3.1  The UK
       3.2 The US
       3.3 Canada Australia and New Zealand
Section B  Characteristics
       3.4 The UK
       3.5 The US
       3.6 Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Section C  Celebrities
       3.7 The OK
       3.8 The US
       3.9 Canada, Australia and New Zealand

Unit 4 Education
Section A  Education System
       4.1 The OK
       4.2 The US
       4.3 Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Section B  Top Schools and Universities
       4.4 The UK
       4.5 The US

       4.6 Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Section C  Overseas Students
       4.7 Study in the UK
       4.8 Study in the US

Unit 5 Popular Culture
Section A  Movies
       5.1 The UK
       5.2 The US
       5.3 Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Section B  Sports
       5.4 The UK
       5.5 The US
       5.6 Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Brief Translation of Texts

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