幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:吳忠齊
  • 出版社:浙江大學
  • ISBN:9787308069588
  • 出版日期:2009/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:210
人民幣:RMB 29 元      售價:



UNIT 1 World Scenery & Civilization 旖旎風光,璀璨文明
  1.1 Warm-up
  1.2 Movie One: Seven Wonders of the World.The Great Wall
  1.3 Movie Two: Did Aliens Build the Pyramids?
  1.4 Supplementary Listening
UNIT 2 Teachers' Devotion 師魂
  2.1 Warm-up
  2.2 Movie One: Mr. Holland's Opus
  2.3 Movie Two: Mona Lisa Smile
  2.4 Supplementary Listening
UNIT 3 Female Heroes 巾幗英雄
  3.1 Warm-up
  3.2 Movie One: Miss Potter
  3.3 Movie Two: Mulan
  3.4 Supplementary Listening
UNIT 4 The lnternet and Our Life 網路與生活
  4.1 Warm-up
  4.2 Movie One: You're Got Mail
  4.3 Movie Two: The Matrix
  4.4 Supplementary Listening
UNIT 5 Interviews 面試
  5.1 Warm-up
  5.2 Movie One: The Pursuit of Happiness
  5.3 Movie Two: It's a Boy Girl Thing
  5.4 Supplementary Listening
UNIT 6 Special Occasions 特殊場合
  6.1 Warm-up
  6.2 Movie One: Meet Joe Black
  6.3 Movie Two: Four Weddings and a Funeral
  6.4 Supplementary Listening
UNIT 7 Fast Driving 極速飆車
  7.1 Warm-up
  7.2 Movie One: The Transporter
  7.3 Movie Two: Speed
  7.4 Supplementary Listening
UNIT 8 Communication 人際交往
  8.1 Warm-up
  8.2 Movie One: A Beautiful Mind
  8.3 Movie Two: Notting Hill
  8.4 Supplementary Listening
UNIT 9 Animals 動物
  9.1 Warm-up
  9.2 Movie One: (Documentary) Cats.Caressing the Tiger
  9.3 Movie Two: Barnyard
  9.4 Supplementary Listening
UNIT 10 Competition 競爭
  10.1 Warm-up
  10.2 Movie One: Man of the Year
  10.3 Movie Two: Miss Congeniality I
  10.4 Supplementary Listening

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