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  • 词汇评价(英文版)/剑桥英语教师丛书

  • 所属分类:语言.文字>>语言文字>>语言学     作者:(新西兰)里德|责编:范海祥     出版社:外语教研
  • 丛书项:剑桥英语教师丛书
  •     本书是一本关于二语学 习中词汇评价的专著,作者 是新西兰维多利亚大学应用 语言学院的教授John Read 博士。词汇研究已成为当今 应用语言学和语言教学界的 热门话题。作者在全面回顾 二语教学中词汇的本质、词 汇习得、词汇应用等研究的 基础上,对词汇评价领域的 传统研究在理论和实践层面 上进行了全面介绍。他通过 研究大量个案和分析典型案 例,对当今流行的各种词汇 测试模式进行了介绍和评论 ,包括各自的测试理念、形 式特点、用途和有效性;还 对未来的词汇测试研究,尤 其是语料库语言学视角下的 词汇研究与测试的新发展趋 势作了深入探讨。
  • 人民币:RMB 69.00 元     售价:NT$ 276.00
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  • 中外英语教师课堂元话语比较研究(英文版)

  • 所属分类:语言.文字>>语言文字>>语言学     作者:仵欣欣|责编:汤定军     出版社:苏州大学
  •     Metadiscourse is an important rhetorical resource in academic genres (Hyland, 2005; Mauranen, 1993b). This monograph attempts to fill the gap of metadiscourse research in spoken academic genres by comparing the classroom metadiscourse used by native English speaking EAP teachers in the UK artd non-native English- speaking EAP teachers in China. Specifically, the current research primarily compared the frequencies and distributions of metadiscourse markers across the two groups of teachers and discussed potential reasons for their similarities and variations. This research is based on a self-compiled corpus , which is divided into two subcorpora, representing the native and non-native EAP teachers' classroom discourse respectively, The data were collected from sixteen video recordings of eight teachers' classroom teaching. with four from each cultural context. By integrating a corpus- linguistic approach into Hyland's (2005) interpersonal model of metadiscourse, the present study demonstrated considerable similarities and differences of metadiscourse markers used by the two teacher groups. The concepts of discourse community and speech community were employed to explain their general commonalities and discrepancies. Possible reasons such as class size , cultural conventions, cross-linguistic transfer, linguistic repertoire and development order of acquisition, were also discussed for their variations in specific metadiscourse devices. The present study may enrich existing Metadiscourse research in spoken academic genres. It may also serve as the first step in raising teachers' classroom Ianguage awareness and involving language proficiency training in teacher education programmes.
  • 人民币:RMB 78.00 元     售价:NT$ 312.00
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