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  • 如何浪费时间说明书

  • 所属分类:社科总论>>社科总论>>社会学     作者:责编:张毅|绘画:LU     出版社:电子工业
  •     生活小事的出口,有时比想象中重要。繁忙的工 作/学习往往让人喘不过气来,一式一样的呆板生活也 几乎耗尽你我的创意和精神,生活变得了无生气。如 何在日常处事中找一些排解郁闷的方式,让它变得多 一些姿彩?本书提供60种“浪费时间”方式,教人如 何在忙乱中/无聊时找到放松自己的一刻,重拾生活应 有的气息。每种方式都以别具风格的插图呈现,辅以 笔触细腻的小品文,读着读着,不禁令你会心微笑。
  • 人民币:RMB 38.00 元     售价:NT$ 152.00
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  • Collective Behavior in Complex Networked Systems under Imperfect Communication(精)

  • 所属分类:电子电脑>>计算机技术>>计算机原理与基础     作者:Jianquan Lu//Lulu Li//Daniel W.C.Ho//Jinde Cao     出版社:科学
  •     This book aims to explain how collective behavior is formed via local interactions under imperfect communication in complex networked systems.It also presents some new distributed protocols or algorithms for complex networked systems to comply with bandwidth limitation and tolerate communication delays. This book will be of particular interest to the readers due to the benefits;1) it studies the effect of time delay and quantization on the collective behavior by non-smooth analytical technique and algebraic graph theory;2) it introduces the event- based consensus method under delayed information transmission;In the meantime, it presents some novel approaches to handle the communication constraints in networked systems;3)it gives some synchronization and control strategies for complex networked systems with limited communication abilities. Furthermore, it provides a consensus recovery approach for multi-agent systems with node failure. Also, it presents interesting results about bipartite consensus and fixed-time/finite-time bipartite consensus of networks with cooperative and antagonistic interactions.
  • 人民币:RMB 159.00 元     售价:NT$ 636.00
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  • 你与辰星都归我(上下)

  • 所属分类:文 学>>中国文学>>中国文学- 小说     作者:酱子贝|责编:李文峰     出版社:青岛
  •     “我最喜欢的职业选手 是TS的Lu,我是他的个 人粉丝。” “晚晚,我觉得你不像 Lu神的粉丝,像在暗恋人 家。” 对他,她蓄谋已久! 牧晚晚看了裴路许久 ,忽然鬼使神差地叫... 她说:“小路神,我们 一起打回TS巅峰时期!” 温柔坦荡的呆萌“Lu神 ”+单纯大胆的
  • 人民币:RMB 69.80 元     售价:NT$ 279.20
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