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  • 中药炮制技术实验指导/药学类专业实验教学指导丛书

  • 所属分类:医药.卫生>>医药.卫生>>中国医学     作者:编者:赵芳|责编:范琪     出版社:重庆大学
  • 丛书项:药学类专业实验教学指导丛书
  •     本书是中药学、药学 类专业《中药炮制技术》 教材的配套实验用书。全 书包括14个实验、附录及 实验报告,主要内容包括 净选加工、饮片切制、清 炒法、加固体辅料炒法、 炙法、煅法、水火共制法 、复制法、发酵发芽法、 制霜法、其他制法、山楂 炮制前后有机酸含量的测 定、王不留行炮制前后浸 出物的比较、巴豆制霜前 后巴豆油的含量测定,以 及中药炮制技术实验教学 大纲、中药炮制技术实验 考试大纲、“2021年全国 职业院校技能大赛”高职 组中药传统技能——“中 药炮制”赛项规程及中药 炮制实验室管理规章制度 。 本书适用于中药学、 药学类专业师生使用,也 可作为“中药传统技能”竞 赛指导用书。
  • 人民币:RMB 21.00 元     售价:NT$ 84.00
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  • 组织学与胚胎学实验指导(供MBBS临床基础等医学专业使用)(英文版)

  • 所属分类:医药.卫生>>医药.卫生>>基础医学     作者:编者:吕正梅|责编:于秀梅//赵倩倩     出版社:中国科大
  •     This book is first-class teaching material for colleges and universities in Anhui Province. It is an experimental textbook for clinical and non-clinical undergraduates which is on the basis of the authors' reference to a large number of domestic and foreign literature, absorbing their advantages and combined with the authors' teaching and basic research experience. This book is rich in content and easy to understand. It contains lots of pictures, which is very helpful for experimental operation and structural observation. The book has 24 chapters, which are synchronized with classroom theory teaching and equipped with theoretical knowledge, exercises and so on. It can inspire students to think and learn independently, which is beneficial to improve readers' ability of analyzing and solving problems. The target readers are the clinical and non-clinical undergraduates in medical colleges, as well as relevant professional teachers and medical workers.
  • 人民币:RMB 48.00 元     售价:NT$ 192.00
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