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  • 斗破苍穹(5)/奇幻穿越系列/知音漫客丛书

  • 所属分类:艺 术>>艺 术>>漫画     作者:天蚕土豆|绘画:任翔//JOE     出版社:中国致公
  • 丛书项:知音漫客丛书
  •     《斗破苍穹(5)》——《知音漫客》年度重磅巨献,超强大超好看的中 国少年漫!网络顶级作家天蚕土豆、漫画神人周洪滨与人气偶像漫画家任 翔强强合作! 《斗破苍穹(5)》讲述:萧炎离家历练,接受新挑战。夜半深山探宝, 与小医仙浪漫独处?狼头佣兵团劫财围杀,惊险逃亡!哪怕前面面对千难 万险,也要变强,我要去最高处,改写这个世界的法则!
  • 人民币:RMB 10.00 元     售价:NT$ 45.00
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  • 斗破苍穹(17)/奇幻穿越系列/知音漫客丛书

  • 所属分类:艺 术>>艺 术>>漫画     作者:天蚕土豆|绘画:任翔//JOE     出版社:中国致公
  • 丛书项:知音漫客丛书
  •     天蚕土豆原作,任翔编绘的《斗破苍穹(17)》讲 述药老终于苏醒,萧炎放手一搏,与云山展开殊死搏 斗。但危急关头,小女王美杜莎的身体却出现了问题 ……萧炎使出金蝉脱壳逃出云岚宗,云山怒发追杀令 ,云韵宗主追逐萧炎至魔兽山脉。但曾经亲如姐弟的 两个人,如今却要刀剑相向,小炎子该如何抉择?
  • 人民币:RMB 10.00 元     售价:NT$ 40.00
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  • 代数几何基础教程(英文版)

  • 所属分类:数理化学科>>数理化学科>>数学     作者:Joe Harris|责编:刘慧//高蓉     出版社:世界图书出版公司
  •     This book is based on one-semester courses given at Harvard in 1984, at Brown in 1985, and at Harvard in 1988. It is intended to be, as the title suggests, a first introduction to the subject. Even so, a few words are in order about the purposes of the book. Algebraic geometry has developed tremendously over the last century. During the 19th century, the subject was practiced on a relatively concrete, down-to-earth level; the main objects of study were projective varieties, and the techniques for the most part were grounded in geometric constructions. This approach flourished during the middle of the century and reached its culmination in the work of the Italian school around the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries.Ultimately, the subject was pushed beyond the limits of its foundations: by the end of its period the Italian school had progressed to the point where the language and techniques of the subject could no longer serve to express or carry out the ideas of its best practitioners. 本书为英文版。
  • 人民币:RMB 79.00 元     售价:NT$ 316.00
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