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  • 医学免疫学(英文版)

  • 所属分类:医药.卫生>>医药.卫生>>基础医学     作者:编者:钱莉//郑月娟|责编:徐亦文     出版社:上海交大
  •     Medical Immunology mainly studies the composition and function of the human immune system, the effect and rule of immune response activities, the diseases caused by abnormal immune function and their mechanisms, and the immunological methods and measures that can be applied to prevent and treat diseases. The book consists of 21 chapters, including: Overview of Immunology, Immune Organs, Antigens, Immunoglobulin, Complement System, Cytokines, Major histocompatibiiity Complex, Leukocyte Differentiation Antigens and Adhesion Molecules, Innate Immunity, Antigen Presenting Cells and Antigen Presenting, T cell Recognition and Response, B cell Recognition and Response, Immune Tolerance, Immune Regulation, Hypersensitivity, Autoimmune Diseases, Immune deficiency Diseases, Tumor immunity, Transplantation immunity, Immune prevention and treatment, and Traditional Chinese medicine and Immunity. This book not only covers the classic knowledge of this discipline, but also integrates new knowledge, new technology and new progress. It is scientific and advanced, in line with the characteristics of rapid development of this discipline. It can not only reflect the mainstream thought of this discipline, but also intergrate the academic frontier progress. It can be used as a teaching material for international students and undergraduate students in English and bilingual courses. We hope this book will be found by readers a clear, cogent, manageable and enjoyed book.
  • 人民币:RMB 98.00 元     售价:NT$ 392.00
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  • 医用高等数学(来华留学生英文授课精编教材)(英文版)

  • 所属分类:医药.卫生>>医药.卫生>>基础医学     作者:编者:范兴华//彭凌//程悦玲//陈燕|责编:张小琴     出版社:江苏大学
  •     This textbook is aimed at undergraduate foreign students ofmedicine and pharmacy in China.The book makes an effort to guidestudents, particularly of medicine and pharmacy, through the coreconcepts of calculus and to help them understand how those conceptsapply to their lives and the world around them.It emphasizes theimportant role of calculus in the medicine and pharmacy sciences.Most of the contents have been practiced at Jiangsu University.Thematerial is well-suited for self-study, as we know from experience. The book is intended for the first semester of study.It coversthe traditional single variable calculus course as well as probabilityand statistics.Emphasis is put on calculus since it serves as the baseof probability theory.There are eight chapters in the textbook.Thevery first chapter talks about function, about which students havebeen familiar with.Topics that follow are traditional contents ofdifferential calculus and the basic concepts of integral, as well asprobability and statistics: limits, derivatives, additional derivativetopics, graphing and optimization, integration, applications ofintegration, probability and statistics.
  • 人民币:RMB 60.00 元     售价:NT$ 240.00
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  • 组织学与胚胎学实验指导(供MBBS临床基础等医学专业使用)(英文版)

  • 所属分类:医药.卫生>>医药.卫生>>基础医学     作者:编者:吕正梅|责编:于秀梅//赵倩倩     出版社:中国科大
  •     This book is first-class teaching material for colleges and universities in Anhui Province. It is an experimental textbook for clinical and non-clinical undergraduates which is on the basis of the authors' reference to a large number of domestic and foreign literature, absorbing their advantages and combined with the authors' teaching and basic research experience. This book is rich in content and easy to understand. It contains lots of pictures, which is very helpful for experimental operation and structural observation. The book has 24 chapters, which are synchronized with classroom theory teaching and equipped with theoretical knowledge, exercises and so on. It can inspire students to think and learn independently, which is beneficial to improve readers' ability of analyzing and solving problems. The target readers are the clinical and non-clinical undergraduates in medical colleges, as well as relevant professional teachers and medical workers.
  • 人民币:RMB 48.00 元     售价:NT$ 192.00
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  • 医学基础化学实验(第2版双语版普通高等学校十四五规划生命科学类化学双语教材)(英汉对照)

  • 所属分类:医药.卫生>>医药.卫生>>基础医学     作者:编者:冯清//刘敏|责编:丁平     出版社:华中科技大学
  •     本书主要内容分为两大 板块:中文板块和英文板 块。各板块自成体系,通 过灵活取舍分别供中文实 验教学、全英文实验教学 和双语实验教学使用。各 板块的内容均包括基础化 学实验须知和基础化学实 验部分。基础化学实验部 分内容由浅人深,循序渐 进,逐步提高,分为四个 层次:基本技能训练实验 、应用技能训练实验、综 合性技能训练实验和设计 性技能训练实验。另外, 本书充分利用移动互联网 和数字信息技术手段,设 置了数字化的预习系统和 实验操作视频,方便学生 学习。 和开拓创新的能力,并树 立不断学习的观念与掌握 科学的思维方法。编写的“ 综合性实验”和“设计性实验 ”是为了满足学生个性发展 的需要,给学生充分思考 、开拓和创新的余地。前 者相当于教学中的阶段性 总结,可由学生自己独立 完成,有利于培养学生独 立分析问题和解决问题的 能力。后者是在编者多年 开设“设计性实验”的基础上 ,将趣味性和应用性实际 问题与PBL教学法相结合编 写而成的,附有相关指导 内容,学生经过设疑、收 集整理资料、检验求证等 环节,以提高独立分析与 解决问题的能力和创新能 力,培养自主学习的意识 ,并树立团结合作的精神 。适当安排一些反映化学 学科发展前沿的实验,以 利于学生在掌握实验基本 技能的同时,对化学学科 的新进展、新技术有所了 解,激发他们学习化学知 识与相关学科的兴趣。学 生可以通过二维码进入信 息化数字互动平台学习部 分实验,并参与平台建设 和素材库的实时更新,同 时提供完整的在线教学课 程,便于线上线下混合式 教学。
  • 人民币:RMB 48.00 元     售价:NT$ 192.00
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