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  • 离散数学(高等学校计算机类专业系列教材)(英文版)

  • 所属分类:数理化学科>>数理化学科>>数学     作者:编者:陈明//董焕河//段华|责编:李鹏飞     出版社:西安电子科大
  •     The book is mainly aimed at the bilingual curriculum design of discrete mathematics. It can meet the needs of the types of an introduction to the fundamental ideas of discrete mathematics, and as a foundation for the development of more advanced mathematical concepts. The book includes four parts. The first part is mathematical logic which covers propositional logic in Chapter 1 and predicate logic in Chapter 2. It gives a method how to express natural language statements using symbols as the foundation to discrete mathematics, especially for sets. The logic parts include equivalent calculation and the discussion of proof. The second part is set theory with sets in Chapter 3, relations in Chapter 4, and functions in Chapter 5, which is the basics of the whole mathematics. Chapter 3 presents basic types of sets and their operations. Chapter 4 presents definition, properties and operations of relations, along with their representation as directed graphs and connections with matrices. Chapter 5 restates the function from the perspective of relations, including countable sets and uncountable sets. The third part is graph theory in Chapter 6 which is the sources for data structures and algorithms. It covers terminology, representation and special structure of graphs. The last part, that is a highly abstract part, is algebraic systems in Chapter 7, which covers semigroups, groups rings and fields. By algebraic systems we can find commonalities of many familiar rules. This book can be used as a discrete mathematics course's reference for computer, mathematics, big data technology and some related disciplines in Institutions of Higher Learning, and can also provide useful help for other readers of discrete mathematics, especially for bilingual learning.
  • 人民币:RMB 29.00 元     售价:NT$ 116.00
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  • 线性系统理论(英文版)

  • 所属分类:数理化学科>>数理化学科>>数学     作者:编者:陆军|责编:张彦//田雨虹     出版社:哈尔滨工程大学
  •      本书可作为来华留学生 线性系统理论课程的教材, 也可作为控制科学与工程专 业、系统工程专业和电子信 息类专业等相关专业的高年 级本科生和研究生的专业 语教材;还可供科学工作者 和工程技术人员...线性系统理论是控制科 领域的一门重要的基础课 程。本书以线性系统为研究 对象,对线性系统理论做了
  • 人民币:RMB 59.00 元     售价:NT$ 236.00
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  • 实用运筹学(高等院校精品课程系列教材)

  • 所属分类:数理化学科>>数理化学科>>数学     作者:编者:郝英奇     出版社:机械工业
  •     运筹学是用定量分析的方法研究管理决策的学问 ,素有“晕头”之称。郝奇编著的《实用运筹学 (高等院校精品课程系列教材)》突出“实用”两个字 ,意在减少数学推证与模型求解,将教学的重心放在 建模技巧... 知识即可懂,适于工商管理类本科生、MBA、 EMBA选用,也可作为高职高专的管理类专业的教材。
  • 人民币:RMB 30.00 元     售价:NT$ 120.00
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