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  • 戏剧情(广东戏剧小史)(英文版)

  • 所属分类:艺 术>>艺 术>>戏剧艺术     作者:编者:广东省文学艺术界联合会//广东省文艺研究所|责编:陈焱//杨柳青     出版社:南方日报
  •       The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Great Bay Area Culture-Three Treasures of Lingman Series,including Love on the Stage,Beauty of Colors and Cadence of Strings,is three illustrated and briefintroductions to three traditional and reviving art forms in Guangdong.They are Guangdong opera, Lingnan school ofpainting and Guangdong music.They are riveting books that will attract more overseas readers who love Chinese and Lingnan culture to dig further into artistic and unique charm of Lingnan culture in south China. Love on the Stage: A Little History of Cantonese Opera mainly focuses on the birth and growth of Cantonese opera,the trend of Contemporary Cantonese Opera,the artistic features,the legacy of Cantonese Opera in Hong Kong and Macao and the spread of Cantonese Opera overseas.There is also a list of the Cantonese Opera Celebrities.
  • 人民币:RMB 88.00 元     售价:NT$ 352.00
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  • 戏曲演进史(1导论与渊源小戏)(精)/台湾地区国学丛书

  • 所属分类:艺 术>>艺 术>>戏剧艺术     作者:曾永义|责编:邹婧|总主编:刘东     出版社:九州
  • 丛书项:台湾地区国学丛书
  •     《戏曲演进史》是当代 戏曲研究的“中流砥柱”曾永 义教授的鸿篇巨制,也是戏 曲史领域标志性著作。 本书为《戏曲演进史》 第一册“导论与渊源小戏”。 “导论编”统绪、梳理戏曲演 进过程中诸如戏剧、戏曲、 小戏、大戏、剧种、腔调、 声腔、唱腔等关键名词之名 义定位,并对戏曲史、戏曲 理论史进行了回顾与检讨。 “渊源小戏编”辨析唐代宫廷 小戏、民间小戏之同源异流 的演进路径,及其所促成的 或雅或俗、雅俗交化的戏曲 演进历程。
  • 人民币:RMB 108.00 元     售价:NT$ 432.00
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