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  • 机电一体化设备安装与调试(工程实践创新项目EPIP教学模式规划教材)(英文版)

  • 所属分类:工业技术>>机械仪表武器>>机械、仪表     作者:编者:王兴东|责编:何红艳//绳超     出版社:中国铁道
  •     Taking SX-815Q mechatronic comprehensive training and assessing equipment as thecarrier, this book is a training textbook which is based on project teaching for the service ofthe national vocational students’ skills competition and higher vocational electromechanicaloccupati onal ability. This book mainly includes the guiding ideology and teaching design, the installationand commissioning of five units of Mechatronics Comprehensive Training and AssessingEquipment, PLC programming and testing, touch screen configuration, industrial robotapplication, frequency converter application, industrial sensor application and other knowledge.This book is featured by taking the typical content tasks assigned by the mechatronics of thenational vocational students’ skills competition as the carrier, decomposing the main tasks intoseveral tasks to narrate step-by-step, striving to improve students’ interest and efficiency inlearning, and realizing the goal that easy to learn, easy to understand and easy to use. This book can be used as a professional textbook for majors like industrial robots andmechatronics and others in higher vocational education schools. It can also be used as areference book for related engineering personnel to study mechatronics production lines.
  • 人民币:RMB 48.00 元     售价:NT$ 192.00
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  • 实用机电英语(第2版彩色版新编21世纪职业教育精品教材)

  • 所属分类:工业技术>>机械仪表武器>>机械、仪表     作者:编者:刘宏//王宗立//郭树英|责编:徐建娇     出版社:中国人民大学
  •     本教材是根据教育部 2020年颁布的《中等职 业学校英语课程标准》中 “职业模块”的要求,结合 学生工作实践编写而成的 中等职业学校英语教材, 适合中等职业学校工科服 务类机电专业学生使用。 本教材共有9个单元。每 个单元在导入(Lead-in) 部分主要介绍了本单元的 生词,使学生对本单元学 习产生浓厚兴趣的同时为 本单元学习扫清单词障碍 ;在听说(Listening& Speaking)部分,强化学 生在不同的工作情境下的 听说能力,同时强调工作 规范和职业道德;在阅读 与写作(Reading& Writing)部分强化学生的 阅读和写作能力,突出对 阅读能力,尤其是借助学 习工具进行自主学习能力 的培养;在生活与文化( Life&Culture)部分介绍 电工的工作和生活,拓宽 学生视野;在生词与短语 (NewWords& Expressions)部分提供每 单元的新词与短语,帮助 学生更好地巩固所学词汇 和检查学生对新词汇的掌 握运用程度。
  • 人民币:RMB 32.00 元     售价:NT$ 128.00
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