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  • 机器人学--时间序列预测控制(英文版)(精)

  • 所属分类:电子电脑>>电工无线电自动化>>自动化技术     作者:刘辉     出版社:科学
  •     This book presents the latest advances for the frontier cross disciplinary field of robotics, intelligent control and learning. Sevenchapters are provided to cover the key common theories and technologies of robots, including the robot mapping and navigation, robotrecharging and smart power management, robot arm manipulation,unmanned vehicle control, intelligent manufacturing systems, etc.The book proposes a unique new perspective using time seriesprediction to control robots. Especially with the fast increasing ofvarious data in robotics, this new robot control mode using timeseries prediction has become very important. The book provides thecomplete cases for the most popular application scenes of robotpredictive control. By this first monograph on the topic of robot timeseries predictive control in the world, author provides importantreferences for the engineers, scientists and students in the field ofrobotics and artificial intelligence. Hui LIU is Professor and Vice dean of the School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering, Central South University, China. His mainresearch interests include computational intelligence, intelligentrobotics in traffic & transportation engineering, and nonlinear signalmodeling & forecasting. He holds double Ph.D degrees from China(Traffic & Transportation Engineering, from Central South University in 2011) and Germany (Automation Engineering, from University of Rostock in 2013), and obtained his professorship degree inAutomation Engineering from University of Rostock in 2016. He haspublished more than 100 international research papers and authorized beyond 100 invention patents in the field of robotics, datascience, and time series predictive control, as the first inventor.
  • 人民币:RMB 149.00 元     售价:NT$ 596.00
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  • ChatGPT(智能对话开创新时代)

  • 所属分类:电子电脑>>计算机技术>>信息处理与专用数据库     作者:成生辉|责编:刘艳艳     出版社:中信
  •     ChatGPT提供的多样化、 个性化的智能对话服务,在 帮助人们高效解决问题的同 ,也让人们深深体会到了 AI对人类思维能力的冲击。 AI辅助工作是大势所趋,对 创意、教育、技术、服务等 各行业...经济运行方式,为人们 理性思考AI和自身关系、 测商业科技未来提供了多层 次、多方位的前瞻性建议。
  • 人民币:RMB 75.00 元     售价:NT$ 300.00
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