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  • 共赢新时代(高水平开放的中国与世界英文版)(精)/读懂中国

  • 所属分类:经 济>>财经管理>>中国经济     作者:编者:迟福林|责编:陈丝纶|译者:侯晟     出版社:外文
  • 丛书项:读懂中国
  •     The world is now facing seismic changes. Unilateralism and protectionismhave fueled a surge of anti-globalization, and the Covid-19 pandemic has addedinstability and uncertainty to the world economy. The international community, now at a crossroads, must choose between multilateralism and unilateralism, openness and isolation, cooperation and confrontation. In the new era, Chinaremains committed to deeper all- round reform and opening up, and willpersevere in promoting an open global economy characterized by mutuallybeneficial cooperation and shared governance.
  • 人民币:RMB 100.00 元     售价:NT$ 400.00
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