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  • 游泳池温泉中去除隐孢子虫卵囊的技术方法研究(英文版)

  • 所属分类:农业科学>>农业科学>>林牧渔业     作者:路平|责编:李敬     出版社:中国矿大
  •     Cryptosporidium outbreaks in recreational water venues have threatened public health, especially in swimming pools. There is still no reliable treatment technique to remove Cryptosporidium oocysts from swimming pools. The performance of six coagulants and granular materials on Cryptosporidium removal from pools was evaluated. Seeding methods of coagulants and their dosage versus oocysts concentrations were tested. Results indicated oocysts removal efficiency for feeding oocysts and coagulant simultaneously were more than 99 (2 log), and continuously feeding of coagulant achieved at least 99%(2 log) removals, compared with removal efficiency was 20% by control experiment without coagulation. All of these experiments indicated that the polymer coagulant should be fed by pump automatically and continuously in order to maximize oocysts removals. In addition, oocysts concentration impacted the system performance. The higher oocysts concentration consumed more polymer. Overall, polyDEDMAC and PAX is effective and promising coagulants to improve oocysts removals from swimming pools. Furthermore, granular materials were effective to remove Cryptosporidium but filter pressure was significantly increased.
  • 人民币:RMB 26.00 元     售价:NT$ 104.00
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  • 数字林草建设

  • 所属分类:农业科学>>农业科学>>林牧渔业     作者:编者:董雅雯//丁山|责编:陈应征     出版社:中南大学
  •     数字林草建设以助力 林草事业高质量发展为目 标,以“统筹集约建设, 应用轻量部署”为建设思 ,运用数字化技术、数 字化思维、数字化认知, 制定标准、完善制度,打 造涵盖林草业务、互联互 通、协同...化水 ,有效支撑林草整体智 治,开创林草数字化改革 新局面。
  • 人民币:RMB 48.00 元     售价:NT$ 192.00
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